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Saab Global
Giraffe 4A

The power of being in control

Giraffe C4I is the command and control solution for Saab’s battle-proven, high-performing Giraffe radar family. 它是一个模块化和可扩展的解决方案,可以配置以满足每个客户的特定需求.
GBAD image C3 focus
Giraffe AMB UK

Key features

Flexible integration of sensors and effector including legacy systems

亚洲体育博彩平台的长颈鹿系列世界级雷达以其卓越的空中和地面监视和同时探测能力而闻名, track and locate hostile artillery or ballistic missiles. With Giraffe C4I (Command, Control, Communications, 长颈鹿雷达扩展到一个全面的指挥和控制系统,旨在增强和支持防空作战和武器定位以及部队和资产保护的广泛能力.

长颈鹿C4I是一种指挥控制平台,可以集成在长颈鹿雷达中,也可以作为单独的C2系统交付. The platform provides a networked solution for Giraffe C2 systems, radars and effectors including weapon terminals.


System capabilities

Giraffe C4I提供了一个功能菜单,每个客户可以从中组合出一组必要的功能,以适应他们的运营和战略需求. The menu includes:

  • Surveillance
  • Sense and warn
  • Weapon locating
  • Air traffic management and air operations
  • Mission support functions
  • Ground based air defence

System utilisation

长颈鹿C4I为所有长颈鹿产品提供了一个具有先进集成信息安全机制的通用C2平台. 基于模块的软件体系结构在创建自定义系统配置方面提供了高度的灵活性.

  • Ground based air defence operations centre
  • Integrated in Giraffe radars
  • Fire control
  • Tactical data links and interfaces
  • Task complexity accommodating human capabilities
Giraffe 4A

Did you know...

... that, integrated with the Giraffe, C4I提供了一个紧凑的一体化解决方案,在雷达舱内有一个或两个操作员站?




Operators in the radar cabin

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Johan Friede
Marketing & Sales

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